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St. David’s is committed to providing opportunities for discipleship that lead to genuine life transformation. Said another way, we believe that God wants more of us than an hour on Sunday. We believe that we are made like Jesus by being in contexts were we can worship, grow, and serve together as the Body of Christ.

At St. David’s, we offer small groups as the primary way to grow in your faith as a disciple of Jesus. Hosted Sundays and throughout the week, both at St. David’s and in parishioner’s homes, our small groups consist of roughly 8 people who pray, study, and support one another in their Christian life. Our small groups have studied books of the Bible like Isaiah and Acts, along with secondary literature like C. S. Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters.” We begin a new round of small groups every January and September and release the details in our weekly e-news and in our Sunday announcements. 


Additional opportunities for growth and discipleship include our Advent Dinner, Lenten Lecture Series, and Summer Bible Studies. 

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